Friday, March 6, 2020

Education Holds the Key to this Kumon Students Future

Education Holds the Key to this Kumon Student’s Future Education Holds the Key to this Kumon Student’s Future Kushal Patel, 13-years-old, Math Level L, Reading Program Completer Hard working, confident, and independent are only a few words to describe 13-year-old Kushal. Though he enjoys typical youth activities like reading, tennis, fencing, and playing the guitar, Kushal’s mindset is well above his peers’. Kushal has been able to place out of every math unit at school and was even selected to be part of his school math team. “Doing well in school makes me feel proud and confident. Being confident is important, as it helps me with everything that I do,” says Kushal. Since starting Kumon almost nine years ago, Kushal has been able to understand different academic concepts and then apply them to his personal life. “I have learned about disappointment and failure when I get my answers wrong. Having the ability to correct my work has made me believe in myself more. Correcting my own mistakes helps me avoid making the same mistake again. The Kumon Method has helped me answer questions with confidence,” says Kushal. Out of many accomplishments, Kushal’s proudest achievement has been earning Valedictorian. Education has always been a special pathway for Kushal. He humbly recognizes how fortunate he is to have access to education. “I am grateful for Kumon and my family that I was given the privilege to receive such an education,” says Kushal. In admiration of his commitment to education, Kushal was one of 56 students selected for Kumon’s 3rd Annual Student Conference in Chicago, Illinois. “I felt excited and curious when I found out I was selected,” says Kushal. Learn more about Kushal’s favorite activities, including Kumon: What is your favorite book and why? My favorite book is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling because it features Harry Potter, the protagonist, defeating the Horcuxes and Voldemort, the antagonist. Harry Potter is a wizard who must destroy the Horcruxes, so he can destroy Voldemort who is an evil wizard murderer. Also, this book has an interesting plot and characters along with the excitement of magic. Who is your biggest inspiration and why? My biggest inspiration is Mahatma Ghandi because he was the one who persevered and eventually gained India independence. What do you want to be when you grow up? When I grow up, I want to be a doctor like my parents. What do you enjoy most about Kumon? I enjoy the fact that Kumon helps me exceed academically. How has Kumon helped you beyond academics? Kumon has helped me beyond academics by boosting my self-confidence and making me independent. I can work alone and with others in both school and at home. Since you are studying three years above grade level, how do you stay motivated in continuing with Kumon when the material feels challenging or you are very busy? I stay motivated while studying three years above grade level because I regularly tell myself that I am close to finishing each Kumon Level. I know that with each level of completion, I will be able to master more skills and get ahead. If you could sum up your Kumon experience in one word, what would it be? Patience You might also be interested in: Kumon Student Uses Three A’s to Master Productivity Wanting To Make A Difference In The World, This Young Student Has Her Sights Set On Politics Future Programmer Embraces the Value of STEM Education Independence and Confidence are the Key to this Future Engineers Motivation Education Holds the Key to this Kumon Student’s Future Education Holds the Key to this Kumon Student’s Future Kushal Patel, 13-years-old, Math Level L, Reading Program Completer Hard working, confident, and independent are only a few words to describe 13-year-old Kushal. Though he enjoys typical youth activities like reading, tennis, fencing, and playing the guitar, Kushal’s mindset is well above his peers’. Kushal has been able to place out of every math unit at school and was even selected to be part of his school math team. “Doing well in school makes me feel proud and confident. Being confident is important, as it helps me with everything that I do,” says Kushal. Since starting Kumon almost nine years ago, Kushal has been able to understand different academic concepts and then apply them to his personal life. “I have learned about disappointment and failure when I get my answers wrong. Having the ability to correct my work has made me believe in myself more. Correcting my own mistakes helps me avoid making the same mistake again. The Kumon Method has helped me answer questions with confidence,” says Kushal. Out of many accomplishments, Kushal’s proudest achievement has been earning Valedictorian. Education has always been a special pathway for Kushal. He humbly recognizes how fortunate he is to have access to education. “I am grateful for Kumon and my family that I was given the privilege to receive such an education,” says Kushal. In admiration of his commitment to education, Kushal was one of 56 students selected for Kumon’s 3rd Annual Student Conference in Chicago, Illinois. “I felt excited and curious when I found out I was selected,” says Kushal. Learn more about Kushal’s favorite activities, including Kumon: What is your favorite book and why? My favorite book is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling because it features Harry Potter, the protagonist, defeating the Horcuxes and Voldemort, the antagonist. Harry Potter is a wizard who must destroy the Horcruxes, so he can destroy Voldemort who is an evil wizard murderer. Also, this book has an interesting plot and characters along with the excitement of magic. Who is your biggest inspiration and why? My biggest inspiration is Mahatma Ghandi because he was the one who persevered and eventually gained India independence. What do you want to be when you grow up? When I grow up, I want to be a doctor like my parents. What do you enjoy most about Kumon? I enjoy the fact that Kumon helps me exceed academically. How has Kumon helped you beyond academics? Kumon has helped me beyond academics by boosting my self-confidence and making me independent. I can work alone and with others in both school and at home. Since you are studying three years above grade level, how do you stay motivated in continuing with Kumon when the material feels challenging or you are very busy? I stay motivated while studying three years above grade level because I regularly tell myself that I am close to finishing each Kumon Level. I know that with each level of completion, I will be able to master more skills and get ahead. If you could sum up your Kumon experience in one word, what would it be? Patience You might also be interested in: Kumon Student Uses Three A’s to Master Productivity Wanting To Make A Difference In The World, This Young Student Has Her Sights Set On Politics Future Programmer Embraces the Value of STEM Education Independence and Confidence are the Key to this Future Engineers Motivation

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